COVID-19 Model

Global Parameters

The durations below are the average duration in days and the ranges are the values for what you would expect to see 90% of the observed durations.
Probability of infecting a close contact during one contact
Latent Time (non-infectious)
Duration of Presymptomatic Infectiousness
Asymptomatic Fraction
Duration of Infectiousness if Symptomatic
Duration of Infectiousness if Asymptomatic
Duration of Immunity [Post Infectiousness]
Initial Cases to Start Simulation
Consider household effects

Country Specific


While Global Parameters come from scientific papers (directly/indirectly), these parameters are based on fitting early data and should be viewed with caution. This is only meant to be illustrative, not definitive. Change to fit the data for your own country, or add/edit changes to match future plans or past possibilities.

The parameters do not take into account recent findings, and are broadly based on the understanding 6 months ago. Purely illustrative, as we continue to work on new models.

The data comes from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) , and so may differ from national daily media updates.

Initial Parameter Values (at 100 detections)

Average Household Size
Daily out of house contacts of an Asymptomatic individual
Daily out of house contacts of a Symptomatic individual
Symptomatic Detection Rate [0-1]
Asymptomatic Detection Rate [0-1]
Case Fatality Ratio [0-1]
Typical Days to Death Report after Infectious Period
Days from Symptoms to Positive Test Report
Future Days to Predict

Parameter Changes